We believe that human well-being is key to a sustainable future.
The well-being potential of every one of us depends on the environment in which we live and the systems in which we operate. And the success of every organization depends on creating opportunities for individuals to thrive and fulfill their potential.
At SHINE, our scientists conduct research with the aim of shining a light on the dynamic connections that exist between individuals, organizations, workplaces and communities and their impact on our well-being. Because well-being in one setting influences well-being in all settings.
Since work is foundational to human flourishing and sustainability, our research centers around the meaning and impact of work in our lives. We bring the rigor of multi-disciplinary research from visionaries across Harvard University to study – in real time, in real world settings – the ways in which organizations influence human health and well-being.
SHINE researchers collect data across supply chain factories, corporate board rooms, manufacturing facilities, community organizations, schools, and aboard planes. We are passionate about analyzing this data and disseminating our results in order to foster understanding and innovation.
At SHINE, we ask “What can data tell us?” It’s time to use data to evolve our understanding of well-being and foster organizational innovation for a more flourishing society for all.
Learn more about SHINE’s origins, the people that comprise our team, the companies that are supporting our work, and how you can engage with us.