New Paper on the impact of workplace harassment and domestic violence on work outcomes in the developing world

Researchers at SHINE, Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska, Piotr Bialowolski, and Eileen McNeely, just published a new paper on the impact of workplace harassment and domestic violence on work outcomes in the developing world. Some of the highlights include:

  • Workplace harassment (WH) affects withdrawal from work, work attitudes and work quality.
  • Domestic violence (DV) is a significant stressor impacting such work outcomes as withdrawal from work, work attitudes and work quality.
  • WH and DV impact intentions to leave but do not contribute to decisions to quit.
  • Detrimental effects of WH and DV are country-specific, highlighting differences resulting from cultural and institutional contexts.
  • Males affected by DV or WH, despite being affected less often than females, reported more severe effects on work outcomes and withdrawal from work.

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